Sunday, August 19, 2012

New Hampshire 100

I know it's been awhile since I have written on my blog.  A lot has been going on with my training and racing.  Since the Lumberjack 100 I competed in 2 more 100 mile races, the Hampshire 100 and the Shenandoah 100.  I DNF'd in both races but for entirely different reasons.

I tried researching more about my stomach problems and sent some emails to different nutrition companies about my stomach problems.  Robert Kuntz from 1st Endurance suggested I try a gluten free diet 48 hours before my next race.  I did that in New Hampshire and low and behold I had no stomach issues.  I was on the bike for 8 hours did not make the cutoff time but was happy that I had no issues with my stomach.  The Issues I did have where from crashing on the railroad bed that we had to ride.  My pedal caught one of the ties and through me down a ditch.  I also fell on a rock shut.

Yes, what we do for a pint glass

Railroad bed got the better of me!
I really hate riding rocky terrain.  Here in Michigan we really don't have it and I can't practice it.  I talked with my coach a lot about my difficulties with rocks and we took a look at my bike setup.  We concluded that the handlebars where set way to aggressive for riding rocks.  In other words my handlebars where way to low compared to my seat height.

Well that got corrected with a higher degree rise stem and we'll see what happens.